I mean seriously... what is up with that?
PS this is what I look like as a simpson character.
Go to http://www.simpsonizeme.com/index.php# to get yours done.
Posted by Purple-Slurpie - July 19th, 2007
I mean seriously... what is up with that?
PS this is what I look like as a simpson character.
Go to http://www.simpsonizeme.com/index.php# to get yours done.
Hur Hur Hur.
No, airline food is the greatest. It's fast, it's comfy, and it's small and cute.
One negative thing, there isn't enough of it.
I <3 airline food.
Yeah... Until it's all watery and they run out of Mr. Pibb.
Lucky bastard, everytime I go there its busy. >:[
Haha, I did it on one of the first days it was out.
Amazing. You I mean.
Why thank you. ;)
nice...i havent done the simpsonize thing yet. but i plan on it! and airline food sucks balls.
Not just balls, but the cock as well
airline food? whats "UP" with that?
I felt bad, becuase all the other ones have responses and this one doesn't XD